Today i got hit by a car
Seriously i actually got hit by a car. On my way to work. When i was at a zebra crossing, and i had green light, a car showed up super quick from around the corner and i got really scared. Luckily the driver was quick on his brakes, and luckily my gym-bag was in between me and the car, which reduced the hit.
The driver left, and i was too shocked to take the number plate and just started to walk towards work instead.. Jeees.
Men alltså guuud!!! Fy vad läskigt, och gud vad sjukt av föraren att bara sticka?? Hur kan man ha mage att göra det liksom? Fy stackaren! Men skönt att det gick såpass bra i alla fall, tur i oturen liksom! Kramar <3
Vilken tur att det gick så pass bra iallafall!