Jag tänkte äntligen börja uppdatera om vår Asien resa som vi gjorde i början av 2018. Då vi båda skaffade jobb som kan utföras på distans så valde vi att ta en spontanare till Asien i 3 Månaders tid. Varför vi inte stannade längre var för att min mamma och pappa fyllde 60 och jag ville vara med på deras dag.
Stop nummer 1 var Singapore. Vi stannade endast där i några dagar men wow vilket land och vilken stad!
Byggnaderna i staden var helt otroliga Kolla hotellet som ser ut som ett skepp ovanpå tre höghus! Priser i Singapore
Kostnaderna för att bo och leva i Singapore skiljde sig rätt markant från de andra länder vi besökte. Att vara ute i god tid med boende är därför att rekommendera. Vi flög dit med endast ryggsäckar för att liksom backpacka genom Asien. Men jag vill ändå ha något hyfsad standard där jag bor. Speciellt eftersom jag behövde kunna sitta och arbeta samtidigt. Det blev därför ”billigare” hotell i området Geylang som inte ligger mitt i centrum men nära nog. Vi kunde ta en längre promenad för att ta oss till exempelvis marinan och Gardens by the bay. Priserna på boende i Singapore ligger normalt strax över de svenska hotellpriserna.
Ett hett tips är att skippa dyra restauranger och upptäcka maten i Singapores Hawker Centers istället. Riktigt härlig blandning av god mat från olika delar av Asien till bra priser.
Att äta och dricka är inte heller jättebilligt. Men är man redan van vid de svenska priserna så gör det inte särskilt mycket. Det går dessutom att äta riktigt god mat till billigare priser i deras Hawker center. Dessa centers är inte bara en plats att gå och äta på, utan det är en upplevelse i sig att bara gå dit.
Vår absolut första måltid i Singapore var toppen! En av många måltider i deras Hawker centers
Priser i Singapore Nov 2019 enligt Hikers Bay:
Produkt/Vara Genomsnittligt Pris Inhemsk öl 71 sek 3 rätters för två på en mellanklass restaurang 429 sek Boende per natt på 3 stjärnigt hotell 1 258 sek En stor flaska vatten 12 sek Haji Lane and Bali Lane. Haji Lane and Bali Lane.
Se och göra i Singapore
Det finns SÅ mycket att se och göra i Singapore. Vi hade absolut inte tid att se och göra allt under de dagar vi var där. Men vi hann ändå med en hel del.
- Besöka Chinese garden. Jag verkligen älskade att vandra runt här. Det var så otroligt fint + att det vandrar runt massor av gigantiska ödlor i parken.
- Garden by the Bay. Detta är ett måste! Denna park är så otroligt mysig att vandra runt i, och på kvällen lyser de futuriska jätteträden upp i vackra färger.
- Ljusshowen vid hamnen. I hamnen ligger det ett riktigt stort hotell som ser ut som en båt vid namn Marina Bay Sands. Från denna byggnad bjuds det varje kväll på en ljusshow som man kan titta på från hamnen.
- Köpcentret som ligger under hotellet jag nämner ovan. Så himla coolt shoppingcenter med massor av märkesbutiker. Mitt inne i centrumet finns det även en liten kanal där man kan åka båt.
- Ha picknick och flyg drake vid Marina Barrage. Denna plats är ett bevis på att de verkligen gör något av minsta lille utrymme i Singapore. Det är ett område byggt ovanpå kanalen som de sedan lagt gräs ovanpå. Här är det fullt med folk som njuter av dagen på picknickfiltar.
Monitor Lizard Chinese Garden
- Bara vandra runt i staden. Det finns då himla mycket att se i Singapore. Två måsten är Chinatown och Haji Lane and Bali Lane. Men nästan vart du än går så kommer du att få uppleva otrolig arkitektur och vackra platser.
- Besöka barer och pubar som det finns gott om i staden. En av kvällarna var vi på ett ställe som heter Potato Head. Efter ett par drinkar där så började vi utforska området runt omkring. Det slutade med att vi hamnade på en bar som hade karaoke/skönhetstävling. Det blev en så himla random och rolig kväll. Tjejer gick upp på en scen och sjöng samtidigt som en snubbe sprang runt helt hysteriskt och kastade konfetti och hängde poängnummer på dem. Efter att allt var klart fick vi skaka hand med alla deltagare. Vi avslutade kvällen med att själva sjunga Abba-låtar.
Chinese Garden Chinese Garden
Gardens by the bay -
My Singapore trip
We arrived in Singapore Tuesday 27th February, and left this evening (Saturday 3tth Mars).
These days in SIngapore has been totally amazing. There is so much to see and do in this Country (city). We definitely didnt have the chance to see it all, but i will tell you about some of the highlights of the trip.-
- One of the absolute best things is their Hawker food places. You can find several of them spread out in the country. But what is a Hawker food center? It is the place you have missed your whole life, is the heaven of good food, and it is cheap. Singapore in general is not very cheap. going to restaurants for dinner and drinks will cost you a bit, especially the last mentioned one. But at the hawker food centers, you will find hundreds of different dishes from all over Asia for a really good price. I meal is around 5 Singapore dollar, which is around 3 euros. Cheap ans yummy AF.
- One of the absolute best things is their Hawker food places. You can find several of them spread out in the country. But what is a Hawker food center? It is the place you have missed your whole life, is the heaven of good food, and it is cheap. Singapore in general is not very cheap. going to restaurants for dinner and drinks will cost you a bit, especially the last mentioned one. But at the hawker food centers, you will find hundreds of different dishes from all over Asia for a really good price. I meal is around 5 Singapore dollar, which is around 3 euros. Cheap ans yummy AF.
- Gardens by the bay. We took this very long walk our last day and decided that our destination was going to be Gardens by the bay. Oh god i wished i visited this place earlier. We had no chance to see everything since we had a flight to catch, but we manage to walk around for a few hours. Just behind the city it is this huge garden (i would call some parts of it forest). It was just amazing and i can not really describe it with words, you have to be there, you will be amazed.
in this garden there is also some huge trees that looks super cool (check pictures), i wished i had the chance to see them by night, but at least i was lucky enough to see them at all. You can even enter one of them and on the top there is a restaurant.
- Gardens by the bay. We took this very long walk our last day and decided that our destination was going to be Gardens by the bay. Oh god i wished i visited this place earlier. We had no chance to see everything since we had a flight to catch, but we manage to walk around for a few hours. Just behind the city it is this huge garden (i would call some parts of it forest). It was just amazing and i can not really describe it with words, you have to be there, you will be amazed.
- The architectur. This city is so well planned, there is not a singe spot that feels unplanned. They use every area they can to create something fantastic. You know when you google future city (or something) and you find pictures that people created in their computer softwares and made them look pretty real. That is how this city looks.
- The architectur. This city is so well planned, there is not a singe spot that feels unplanned. They use every area they can to create something fantastic. You know when you google future city (or something) and you find pictures that people created in their computer softwares and made them look pretty real. That is how this city looks.
- Chinese Garden. I really enjoyed this place, even if we almost died from dehydration and heat from the sun. The buildings in this garden are really nice and peaceful. I would love to go here and just sit down somewhere in the shadow to read a book. Another awesome thing about this place is that these really big lizards are walking around there. Apparently they can grow up till 3 meters, and we saw some REALLY big ones. But dont worry. I read that they are not aggressive and will not attack you, unless you try to catch them (obviously).
- Chinese Garden. I really enjoyed this place, even if we almost died from dehydration and heat from the sun. The buildings in this garden are really nice and peaceful. I would love to go here and just sit down somewhere in the shadow to read a book. Another awesome thing about this place is that these really big lizards are walking around there. Apparently they can grow up till 3 meters, and we saw some REALLY big ones. But dont worry. I read that they are not aggressive and will not attack you, unless you try to catch them (obviously).
- The people. The people living in Singapore are some of the friendliest i have ever met. They are so polite and helpful in every kind of way, and they speak English, which will make it easier for you to have a conversation with them. And at least during these days i spent in this country, i have not met a single person who is not nice and friendly.
Well, this is just a few things that makes Singapore so great. I have also been written down some thoughts about this country while i have been here. Things to think of or just for fun facts.
- Do not visit a park in the middle of a sunny day. You will get tired and dehydrated since the sun is so strong. It is better to wait at least until it is afternoon
- They have a lot of weird porridge dishes that seem to be very popular. Frog porridge seem to be the most popular one… I did not try it. But i also doesn’t eat frog.
- Another main ingredient i have seen in a lot of dishes here is fish heads. A popular one seem to be curry fish head. I do eat fish but eating a fish head did not really tease my taste buds to wanna try.
- They learned one thing about Scandinavian people, and that is that we can not handle spicy food. Especially since we think that the most spicy dish at the local thaiwok around the corner on our street in Sweden is spicy for real (there is probably some, i have not tried them all). But if you are one of us (me) who adores really spicy food, than you will have to let them know, and probably ask them to add the extra spicy ones to your food. Sometimes they will ask you (luckily if you forgot). And later, you will feel the power of Montezuma revenge.
- You get 3 pieces of dragon fruit for the same price as 1 cucumber! That is insane!! And a great thing since i love to snack on dragon fruit (but they are so damn expensive in Sweden) but i dont very often sit down and snack on a cucumber.
It was a great trip and i will go back here for sure. But now i have to wave goodbye to Singapore from the airplane i am currently on and continue heading to the new destination. Next stop Bali!
Animals and zodiac signs
One thing i always look forward too the most is when i travel is to try new food and to see some cool animals. I am a huge animal lover and go crazy every time i see an animal. Singapore might not be the best place to see animals but they had some cool lizards and cute turtles in the Chinese garden. And also a lot of animals in stone. They had a garden with the theme of the Chinese zodiac signs. Further down you can see me reading on the statue of my Chinese zodiac sign, Dragon.
What is yours? You can check out here if you dont know.
Yes this Lizard is as big as it looks, i read that they can grow up to 3 meters.
Day 3 Singapore – Marina bay
Today had been a great day, We have been walking around and seen some really cool buildings, museums, streets, well mainly a lot of awesome stuff in the city.
but the absolutely best part was Marina bay by night… omg what an awesome place!I must also say.. This city is so freaking cool. I have been to New York a couple of times (which i love) but to be honest, New York is nothing compared to this city. These buildings, the architecture, i am totally amazed. Best choice ever to take the flight and start the trip here.
This is just some photos from my mobile. i have some better ones on my camera but i will have to put them up later.
Day 2 – Singapore Chinese Garden
Woke up at 08 am and went to the Chinese garden here in Singapore. It was a lot to see and everything was absolutely beautiful. In the garden you also met a lot of turtles and big lizards. I took some nice (hopefully) picture with my better camera of the day we spent there. I will upload them later.
Some tips if you visit the garden:
– Dont do it in the middle of the day or you will get burned
– Bring water!!After the garden we went to China town for some hawker food and shopping. Now we are sitting at a Tea house for some work.
Day 1 – Arriving in Singapore
I told you earlier that i, once again, did something spontaneous last weekend. And here it is:
I booked a 3 months trip to Asia. Starting point Singapore, ending point Bangkok. And in between that? Who knows. The only plan we have after Singapore is Indonesia, and after that we will see where we go.So yesterday (today? im confused) i packed a backpack, bought a new laptop (for work) and took the flight to Singapore with a short stop in Istanbul. So far i manage to go out for a walk in the area where we are staying and also have a delicious dinner. Now i am very tired so i will soon go to sleep. long day tomorrow with both fun and work.