Everyday life,  Fashion

The perfect winter jacket

So winter is coming… and since it was 4 years ago i spent a winer season in Sweden last time i am in BIG need of a winter jacket. Yes sure i already have some at homes, that i used before. Like my Canadian Goose jacket. It is nothing wrong with that BUT, it has real fur, which didn’t bother me much a couple of years ago, but since i am much more aware of how terrible they treat those animals and how much they have to suffer just because we want to feel nice in a real fur… Nah, than i dont really see the beauty of  in any more, opposite, i actually get disgusted from real fur…

Luckily we have a lot of super nice products these days called fake fur! And most of them you can not even tell it is fake. So no need for real ones to look nice ladies 😀
So i have been searching AF for a nice and warm winter jacket.. Since we never know about Sweden, some winters its like a summer in Finland, and some winters are like if Antarctica made babies with Ojmjakon in Russia. So we need to be prepared for whatever might come!

So what do i look for in a winter jacket?

  • It has to look good and be love at first sight!
  • It has to be really warm! Im a cold MF
  • Short design… i know, a long one is better for keeping the heat, but i really dont like long models on me…
  • Big fluffy nice looking fake fur

Aaaand, which brand (according to me) has the absolute best looking winter jackets this year?
ANSWER: RockAndBlue & Hollies. So many beautiful jackets… but so little sixes left… Life is harsh sometimes… until yesterday! When i saw one of my absolute FAV jackets from Hollies, in my size (hope i picked right) at Nellys.com. So i ordered it! And believe me, it was like Christmas mixed with an orgasm when i pressed the order button.

Hollies jackets
Find the jackets HERE.

PS. Most of the jackets from Hollies have models with both real and fake fur. It depends from where you order.

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