Everyday life

Sweden vs Mexico

Yesterday was a great day! I was working in ultra speed so i would be ready to leave from home around 15.30. I went to a pool area to watch the game outdoor with my boyfriend in the sun while having some drinks. 5 min after we sat down a bunch of old friends showed up and took the seat just behind us, how lucky am i! 😀

The fun part was that every single person who watched the game where we were was Swedish, except for my boyfriend who is a Mexican.
He was not happy after we had beaten their asses with 3-0, but the Mexicans is still trough to the next round since German lost against Korea yesterday. So everything ended well. Now i am just lying in bed… deadly tired after all the celebration after the game yesterday and i dont think i will leave the house at any point tonight.

 You can see aaalll your angles in the mirror thats in the hallway. Even a little bit of an Mexican angle


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