And it happened again
I am very sorry for the bad update lately, but i managed to get food poisoned AGAIN! Right after i got cured from the first one. Or maybe my stomach just wasn’t great yet and i went back to eating like two grown up men like usual again.
Well at least i am good now. And i managed to make up my own cure for my stomach this time, i ate a bunch of super spice chilies since i came up with this theory that they will burn out all the virus in my stomach. Well, looks like it worked. High-five to myself!
Maybe i should have started a carries as a doctor instead…
Skönt att du mår bättre!
Lorissa Lovebomb
mooodigt att äta het mat när magen är i uppror, tur att det funkade! Stackare som blev dålig igen
Wow så fin!!
du är såå vacker!
fine!! <3