Chilling around in Bangkok

I have always been told that Bangkok is not something too special to see and that it should only be a quick stop during your trip to somewhere else. However, i love it so far. Maybe it is because we are staying with friends that lives here and know where to go, maybe because we have read about some of the most famous scams in this city which got us to avoid them (two times only yesterday), or maybe because we have been stressing around most of our trip to be managed to see all the things worth seeing. Or maybe because i am finally allowed to do some shopping.
I have been allowed before of course, but i did not really have any extra space in my backpack, but since this is our last stop, we will buy a big bag that we can fill with stuff and bring back to Europe.
Lets see what we manage to find.. However, Bangkok is absolutely worth a visit!
Netti Starby
Vad kul att du gillar Bangkok och smart att du köper en större väska så att du kan shoppa mera. Ha en fin dag!
nämen vad söt!
Vi ska på långresa nästa höst och kommer göra ett kort stopp i Bangkok på två-tre dagar. Något du rekommenderar att se/göra?
Julia Persson
Kul att du gillar det! Så viktigt att ha sin egna uppfattning
Julia Svensson
Åh så gott!
Vilken söt, haha
Bra att veta! När jag var i Thailand sist så ”mellanlandade” vi bara i Bangkok så kan vara kul att någon gång spendera lite extra tid där