• Cambodia,  Travels

    För exakt ett år sedan

    hundvalpar i kambodja

    Var jag i Kambodja och myste med hundvalpar.  Under mina månader i Asien förra året så fick jag besöka flera vackra länder och platser, men jag måste nog säga att Kambodja var en av favoriterna. Resmålen var dessutom perfekta för den typ av resa som jag och min pojkvän var iväg på – En impulsiv ta dagen som den kommer resa.

    Jag vill däremot inte uppmuntra till att klappa hemlösa hundar i dessa länder då jag har fått höra om två fall nu där folk har blivit bitna och sedan dött av rabies. Dessa fall skedde i Thailand och Filippinerna. 


  • Cambodia

    In dogs paradise

    I had such some nice days lately. Been traveling from the capital here in Cambodia to the islands in the south. The last couple of days I have stayed in a bungalow. Since it did not have an AC I have mostly been outdoors and not being able to really update here. But we just moved today to a guesthouse instead, after all we need to get some work done and we could not manage to do much of that in the heat.

    Now we have a few days left on this island, Koh Rong. It is such a cozy place and also home for a lot of stray dogs. But these are not unhappy dogs who is desperately wishing for a home. The dogs is having the time of their life over here. Playing in the water, getting fed, cuddling with tourist and locals, and they are so cute and friendly. We had a bunch of visitors at our bungalow when we just moved in. Two dogs and one cat who went playing around like crazy inside. It took a while to get her out 😛