Mat,  Skönhet

Health benefits from eating eggs

When it comes to eating eggs i think we are paired in 50% who thinks that eating the yolk is good for us and 50% who thinks it is bad for us. I have always thought it is more good than bad for us, but when you eat it in the right amount. We have a word for that in Swedish that no other language have, Lagom. It basically means not to much and not to little, just the right amount. However, i love eggs, you can do so much with them and they are delicious.

Recently i read a Swedish article about a study they have made about eating eggs. Is it good or bad for your cholesterol? Should you stop eating eggs or should you continue to eat as much as you want of it?

This study was made on rats ( i am very much against tests on animals and i hope this was not a painful one). They let half of the rats eat eggs, 3-4 a day and the other half was eating food with other fatty acid composition. After 6 weeks of this study it showed that the rats who had been eating eggs only had good health benefits. They had better cholesterol, better metabolic health benefits and reduction of fat in both the liver and abdomen. It showed that the rats who was eating the egg yolk had a reduction of an enzyme that helped them get better cholesterol.

So good news for you who also love to eat eggs. If this study is right, there is only health benefits by eating eggs. But of course you should always eat everything in normal amounts. In this article they also wrote about 3-4 eggs a day, which they did in the study. We still dont know if 10 eggs a day is healthy or not so lets stay safe at eat the recommended amount.

Eggs for breakfast


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